Ready for your next money?

Feel a pull of frustration for your next level?

Instead of focusing on the lack of the money you desire focus on becoming the version of you that attracts the money you desire.

Like the idea but need help ACTUALLY implementing that?

I got you.

Introducing The SELF IMAGE MONEY GLOW-UP challenge!

In this 30 day challenge we are going to be going through a powerful activation to help you start having fun becoming the version of you that manifests your money desires...

What You Are Buying:

  • 30 days of audio, video and written manifestation activities to shift your self image.
  • A guided self image visualisation to help immerse yourself in the version of you who attracts your desires.
  • Lifetime access to use at every up-level.
  • The comment and answer teacher support.

What You Get:

  • This challenge is designed to help you start implementing the concept of becoming the version of you who gets what you want.
  • The challenge is set up in a way that has an audio, visual and written element but don’t worry, you can pick and choose you’re preferred way of learning, consuming and doing.
  • Each day of the challenge has a learning point and an exercise to play with.
  • Taking you from learning to being.
  • So you can start having fun on the journey of becoming the version of you who attracts your desires.
  • Watch the law of compound (the idea that aligned action builds with more aligned action to create a result) in action to start creating a life that makes you proud…
  • Because here’s the thing— the reason you have a desire is because it’s possible for you.
  • And it’s the self-actualisation process that you go through on the other side of the resistance that gets you there.
  • But the real gift is becoming the version of you who receives that thing. The desire is a natural result of you becoming that version that gets the thing.
  • A guided tool to help you reset or bounce back to your desired level.
  • A guided and playful way to start DOING the things that get you to become the version you want to be.

Energetic Investment