Focus on manifesting the version of you who attracts yours desires instead of the lack of the desire itself. 

The problem most people have is that they focus on the lack of their desire in their life instead of focusing on being and manifesting the version of them who attracts their desires. 

This means they either:

  • Never manifest the things because they’re so focused on the lack OR… 👀

  • They manifest the thing but loose it after they see their next desire because they drop the focus when they move onto the next desire…🤯

  • Other areas of their life suffer because they’re not approaching their goals in a well rounded approach. 🙃

*the self image manual enters the chat* 

It's time to turn you ON!

And I mean that in every sense of the concept.

Do YOU like you?

That is something that is often SO overlooked.

Are YOU in love with yourself?


Are you meeting YOUR needs?


This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….

It is time to ask yourself: how do I see MYSELF?

👉🏻 What is the image that I hold of myself?

👉🏻 How do I see myself in relation to what it is that I want?

Because if all that is getting over looked, or if there is a lack of clarity, or worthiness then you are literally going to be repelling your desires. 👀


Because you do not see yourself as worthy of identifying them or having them.

It is time to change that.

I am inviting you into my Self Image Manual Experience where I am going to be guiding you through a process that changed my life: and continues to do so…


The self image is the image of which you hold of yourself and it affects your dominant, thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs which then creates your life.

So if you spend some time, getting really clear on the current self image you have, the narrative you hold around your goals and the relation to that part of your life— you are then able to choose what is better and align your energy and action to reflect the goals you desire.


This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….


Creating and using your self image manual allows you to operate from a place of what you want, not where you are. 

Around 95% of our daily thoughts are recycled.

Combine that with what you are focusing on (social media, what your friends and family are talking about, maybe even, the News 🤯 😳) and you then are doing the same thing, expecting different results. Which just leaves you feeling super frustrated as your desired lifestyle isn't manifesting…

Where the manual comes in...

That’s why the Self Image Manual and the practice that goes along side of it (I’ll be walking you through it don’t worry) is so powerful. It literally starts to reprogram your mind so that your dominant thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs change so that your results can naturally change with it- aka- manifest the things you want. 

And because the Self Image Manual focuses so much on the presence of your goals and vision, the being of the version of you that reflects the powerful image that you have decided to hold, you fall in love with the process.

You romanticise your life which in turn allows you to express gratitude while being in the moment… a powerful part of letting go to receive your desires. 


This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….


  • When you want a daily ritual to help you feel clear and excited. instead of fuzzy and unsettled.

  • When you want a daily ritual to help you act from a place of vision not circumstance.

  • When you want to make empowered decisions.

  • When you want manifesting your desires to feel more of a natural result.

  • When you want to ground yourself in you vision to feel clear in who you are and what you are doing. To gain that self confidence and trust.

  • When you need a concept to lean on. When you encounter tough times in your life, your self image can become something you can lean on. It can help you navigate it.


There is no book on life, but what if there was? We are creating a detailed manual on your life, by you, for you. 

Deciding on an empowered way you see your goals, the life area they relate you and how you see yourself. How it all feeds into your action and energy. 

We are going to be going through the core life elements - aka the areas of your life and we are going to be unravelling the way your see yourself, the narratives and the desires.

So we can get clear on what it is you want (from a state of being - aka how you want to feel) and who or what version or image you need to hold of yourself to get it.


This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….


A 12 month experience...

👉🏻 Although this is largely a self paced experience there are going to be group coaching calls every 3 months. This is an opportunity for you to drop in and get support as you reflect and plan for the next 3 month transformational shift.

🧠 Quarterly Masterclasses/ training. In addition to the calls, the teachings will be curated based on what the energy of the collective is. And I know that sounds woo woo but basically it is seeing what's happening and how people are feeling and creating intuitive teachings based on the needs of the individuals in this experience. Be alongside like minded individuals and benefit from their questions too.

⚡️ The first initial drops will be around the structure of the signature method. Helping you gain clarity on what it is you want, reprogram your mind and create the structure and strategies to actually DO the thing- aka BE the version of you who attracts your desires.

🧠 Limiting beliefs, narratives and resistance will come up as we go through each one and the group coaching support and comment Q + A section and support from me will help you navigate it. We’re holding space and energy for you.


  • After the initial content drops of the signature method and template, we will be focusing on 1 life element each month, working through the process and structure to create your very own Self Image Manual. You can dip in and out of the elements based on your current priorities.

  • The way you see yourself in relation to these elements is creating your perception and then your reality. It is altering your dominant thoughts, feelings, actions and beliefs which changes how you show up. 

  • We’re going to get very intentional with the creation and build of your new self image and life vision. 

Here are the elements we are covering.

  1. Money.
  2. Business/ Job.
  3. Career/ purpose/ big vision.
  4. Relationship With Self. (Identity, emotional wellbeing, self-development).
  5. Relationships (Romantic Relationships, friendships, professional).
  6. Health (mental, physical, energetic).
  7. Personal identity/ brand/style.
  8. Productivity.
  9. Family/parenting.
  10. Spirituality + Beliefs
  11. Lifestyle 



This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….



  • 12 month experience with monthly self paced drop access. The basics will be drip fed in the first launch round of this program and then the following months will drop. First drop in June 2024! 🗓

  • Quarterly drop in group coaching calls for the year. Answering Q+A’s + topics that are relevant to the time. 📞

  • A pick and mix approach depending on your priorities and focus. Learn the basics of the concept and then apply and consume what’s necessary for you and your season of life: eg, money, biz and health may be your priorities right now so you can dip in and out of the life areas you require. 🍬

  • The opportunity to comment for Q + A support on each area. 👄

  • A self coaching framework to help you navigate self doubt and limiting beliefs. 🔓

  • A toolkit to help you work through limiting patterns, limiting beliefs and self doubt. A vault of mindset support. With resources, toolkit, exercises and templates. 🧰


A place to practice commitment to yourself, on your terms. With content that is bendable to your life and needs. 🙏🏼

A place to come back to when you’re feeling low vibe. 📈

A place to build your confidence, self trust and feel comfortable in the discomfort of change. 🤍

Guidance and structure to create your very own self image manual with energetic and science backed techniques.🧠

Plugged into a high focussed energy. ⚡️

Supported, guided and held through an intentional process.✨ 

Gentle accountability. ❤️

Mindset cheerleading, in your corner, for you. 🥂

The time to intentionally think about you for you. 🧠


This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….

What problems does the self image manual solve?

  1. Bounce back rate improved. Everyone falls off track at times but it is the bounce back rate that makes the difference. What kind of person are you? How quick can you bounce back? The Self Image Manual helps you quickly anchor into who you are destined to be and get back on track in an actionable way.

  2. Timelines speed up! When you’re able to focus and stop forgetting about the things that are keeping you in your old self you are able to make shifts quicker!

  3. Mind programming. The Self Image Manual allows you to act from a place of vision instead of circumstance. Pair this with an audio that is created from the new SELF IMAGE BELIEFS you are able to start changing your mind programming.

  4. Grounding. When we go to sleep our conscious mind is somewhat 'suspended', when we wake we 'remember' who we are and how we feel about the areas of our lives and how we see ourselves in relation to our goals. For example, we 'remember' if we see ourselves as 'good' or 'bad' with money/relationships/ health etc.The Self Image Manual helps us to 'remember' a better story!

  5. Making decisions. If you know the elevated state of who you are, how you do things and what you do, you are able to make decisions with trust and confidence in yourself. You start making decisions with a new energy which gets new results.

  6. Confidence. When you have spent the time to intentionally create your manual you have a new sense of confidence. You know that feeling where you can't remember if you turned the hair tool off or not? Well, this feeling you get is the OPPOSITE to that. You cultivate a sense of knowing which just allows a deep sense of peace I just know you have been craving!

  7. Taking off pedestal and falling in love with the process. When you start this journey it becomes kinda addictive! Seeing your confidence, self trust, results shift feels incredible so you are no longer chasing a feeling of the result but JOY from the process and this allows you to naturally attract your desires.

  8. Clarity. As you work on the best project you will ever work on: YOU, your clarity gets deeper and deeper and you can start to see how it (your life elements, goals and self image) all connects.

  9. Boredom -> Excitement. You get SO excited when you start this process as you start to see your true potential, not just what you thought was possible until this point. You stop coming at life from a 'have to' or 'should do' energy which unlocks what you want in the best way as you're no longer focussed on lack!

  10. Goodbye overwhelm- Hello Focus and momentum. When you break it down so granular as we do in the manual, the overwhelm starts to dissolve as it's all clear how the big vision translates into the day to day of life!


This is your time.

This is NOT a rehearsal.

And it is time to start actually being truthful with yourself about what it is you want.

And I get it, it can be scary, but I am here to guide you through.

With payment plans available, I want this to be as accessible as possible for the beautiful souls that feel the pull.

So, if you feel the pull, let’s go….